What is Somatic Yoga?
you may be surprised to learn………
Guided breathwork
Taking mindful breaths to improve the fluidity of the
Diaphragm. Thereby steadying the mind, the nervous
system, the heart rate.
Guided movement
Making smaller, slower movements in a mindful way.
Often floor based moves where the brain is present as
the muscle contracts, then releases.
Allowing the body, mind + nervous system to truly rest.
Moving into complete body awareness + an internal experience
Guess what it’s a Yogalates class!
The Yogalates Method
· developed + founded by Louise Solomon in 1995
· 1000s of teacher’s worldwide have been trained in this method since 2000 with the Yogalates Academy.
· is far beyond a class of combined Yoga with Pilates
· is recognised by Yoga Australia as experts in the filed
This unique methodology of sequencing breath, mindfulness into Asana
Discovering the micro movements within the macro moves. Becomes your
somatic experience on the mat.
Join us online OR an in-person class in the Byron Shire
Join the Yogalates Academy for one of our Teacher Trainings
Courses- 350hr complete teacher training OR one of our short online courses for personal growth OR expansion in what you share as an existing teacher.
Written by Nicole Dorsch and Louise Solomon