Foundations of a Functional Core

One would think it’s the classic 6 pack or abdominal crunches, well deeper than that!


In the early 1900s through the brilliant mind and self-exploration of Joseph Pilates “The Pilates Method” was founded. He was aware of this deep Core of the anatomy, which he taught through his unique breathing system.


Back in 1993, inspired by the Pilates Method as well as up and coming scientific knowledge, I began combining core activation in my Asana practise within my full time year of Ashtanga training. This fusion not only felt organic but it created a stronger foundation thus safer in regards to my pelvic and lumbar stability.


The Yogalates Method was then established in 1995. The evolution of the "Yogalates Breathing System" and functional movement has continued to evolve every year. We are recognised as experts in fusing Core into Asana by Yoga Australia.


The deep core muscles are fused by a band of fascia, which is like a body stocking and can be felt and visualised as wearing a supported corset.


It may come as a surprise to you that the 4 main Core muscles, are not the external or visible abdominal muscles they are also the primary breathing muscles. This revolutionised how Core is taught. Whilst the external abdominal and pelvic muscles are supporting the Core they either interplay OR interfere, depending on the balance of tone and strength they have with one another. Hence the importance of postural alignment, the balance of strength and flexibility of all these external muscles directly impacts a functional Core and breath.


A functional breath effectively IS a functional Core, which alleviates asthma, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. Improving diaphragmatic rhythm impacts the nervous system aiding the relationship between digestive and mental health. A functional breath can only occur with healthy posture and alignment.


When these foundations are established they support our physical, but the emotional and mental wellbeing. Breath and posture is the keystone for a healthy life.


We have a 50hr online course that teaches you all of the above, perfect for Yoga and Pilates teachers, Physiotherapists, Movement Therapists, Personal Trainers and anyone teaching group classes. 


We have 10% off our Core Foundations + Mastery of Breath course for the month of February - CLICK HERE for more information.  


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